Altered Lines Interior Design

Creating spaces that endure time, create positive meaningful connections, and enrich the lives of it’s users

We design projects all over the United States

Hospitality, Multi-family, Education, Commercial, and Workplace


  • We work with you to bring life to your vision.

  • We have the skills to create dynamic drawings that visually bring life to a project. We use Revit and Lumion to build a graphic environment that is easy to understand what a project will look like.

  • Our goal is to be mindful of budgets, but keeping the design integrity in place.

Experience includes branded hotels as well as boutique. Placemaking and regional connections creates authenticity. Our services include all phases of the design process. We aim to create an environment of transparency and integrity. We work to collaborate with all stakeholders and consultants.

Crowne Plaza Resort and Airport Hotel,

Ft Lauderdale, FL

Clara Brown Commons Supportive Housing Community, Denver, CO


  • Using trauma informed design to create spaces that heal and encourage confidence

  • Having compassion and sensitivity to our seniors. We are in the 21st century and designing for boomers, Jones, and the approaching Gen X. Culture plays a huge part in connecting people to spaces.

  • We analysis the demographics of the area to connect spaces to their users. Placemaking and establishing a micro-culture is key for a dynamic property.

Urban housing spaces are getting smaller and smaller with the cost of land and materials. We with all stakeholders to realize a project that meets the bottom line as well provides spaces that create inviting spaces that reflect the community that it houses. Whether it is an affordable housing community or senior housing we strive to provide solutions that aid in the objective our client.